Calvin Walker Program


Tributes to Calvin My dad, My father, gone but never forgoƩen. His skin, his touch, beyond this world. Taken away from not only me, but his grandchildren as well. His smile, his laughter, he was always heard. So funny, so hilarious again beyond any world. He loved me and I knew he did. My dad, although you are no longer with me, I want you to know how much I loved you when I was lucky enough to have you in my life. I want you to know that even though you are no longer with me, I sƟll think about you and miss you so much. In the next lifeƟme we will catch up where we leŌ off and conƟnue this thing, they call life. Your Daughter, Tykishia J. Griffith My dear beloved brother, you will forever be in my heart. I always loved you from the Start! Even though your voice was stern, without you being around my life is torn. Thanks for being my Bubby! I will forever love you doubly! Rest in love Love, Rena (Sister) I thank God that He gave me the chance to meet my brother Calvin. He and I hit it off at our first hello. We talked for 5 hours about any and everything, I truly loved him and will miss his voice. I even found myself calling his phone, just to hear his voicemail one last Ɵme. And even though it was just a short period of Ɵme, I learned to love his personality and sense of humor. He could even make me smile on my worst days. I even picked up his "oooh wee" and his “I tried to told ya someƟn" in my vocabulary lol. I pray that my brother is resƟng in the arms of God. And that our father in heaven comforts my family. We know to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. R.I.P liƩle brother, I will miss you unƟl we meet again. Kimberly Spellman (Sister) . Calvin, Aunt Mary will always miss you. I was glad you made it out here to SeaƩle to see me and share some family Ɵme. I will also miss your phone calls and the long talks we shared talking about your mother. Rest in peace. Mary Ann Richardson (Aunt)

Say Cuz, we had a good Ɵme when you were out here in SeaƩle, I was hoping you could have made another trip this summer, but God has a mysterious way of guiding our path. It is oŌen difficult to understand his plan especially when Ɵmes are tough but nevertheless God is busy working out his perfect plan for a life well lived. UnƟl we meet again and you’re knocking on heaven doors rest in peace for the real journey is just beginning. Steve A. Harrington (Cousin) To My Loving Uncle, the sparkle of your eyes, the brightness of your smile, the goodness of your soul will always stay in our hearts because you were one gem of a person we had. Losing you is no doubt a significant loss to all of us. You will always be missed. Fate is beyond your control, and leƫng you leave like that was the most challenging thing to happen. Though you are not with us anymore, we will always keep you alive in our talks, in our memories, in our hearts and in everything we share. Rather it be from listening to music or cooking or laughing and your silly jokes or you cooking your burger in the microwave for 30 minutes, I will always love you. Alton Lathomas Lucas (Nephew) Oh my, where do I start. When I arrived in Houston with my family, we looked for a place to live. It seemed like we scanned the enƟre city, but we found our home in an apartment complex off of Dairy Ashford and Bissonnet. The first person I met was Calvin, he was our next - door neighbor. He had the first car I ever sat in with a booming system. We would stand outside talking for hours about any and everything. I was learning how to cook on this smoker I just purchased. I asked Calvin for a few pointers on how I should prepare/smoke sausage on the smoker. Of course, he explained to me in great detail how to do it. I was so proud of my finished product; I took it over to Calvin to show him what I had done. The look on his face was hmm, that don’t look like what I described to him what the finished product should look like. He did not say a word. I don’t think he even tasted the sausage. However, a few days later, he came over to our home with some perfectly smoked sausage. He did not say a word like, this is what it is supposed to look like, but the look on his face was saying, this is what it is supposed to look like. We were having some plumbing issues in our homes. The water would drain very slowly out of the tub while taking a shower. I would go to Calvin and complain about it and then he said they had the same issue. He did not grumble about it, he said, I don’t know what you are complaining about, that standing water is good for soaking my feet, that feels good to me. There are so many stories I can share about Calvin, but I will end it with this. He had a huge heart. I know that because he would give me big brother advice all the Ɵme, even when I did not want to hear it. He talked to me when I was going through some tough Ɵmes. He told me to put those issues I had in God’s hands, pray for strength, and trust and believe that God will make a way; He will not put more on you than you can handle. Rest well on your journey my friend. I love you, Calvin. Melvin Chatman (Close Family Friend) Calvin was bigger than Life itself! His Laugh Echoed like Thunder. He was an AWESOME chef. He was at his best when he was cooking in the kitchen - loud music and all! That was his comfort zone. He was Thoughƞul and AƩenƟve to your needs and ALWAYS knew the right words to comfort you. Any problem, Calvin would solve it; even without your permission - LOL. He was all bark, but no bite. He always found Ɵme to play & pamper our two dogs: Calvin Jr (CJ), and Armani (Lil One). They are together again! Calvin, you have found Peace. Take Your Rest My Friend. Darla Price

In memoriam, thanks for the memories that will always be treasured.

Love, STeague The Soul of a Great Man starts with the love of family. Calvin Walker was unapologeƟc for the love he provided to his family. His behavior of love and loyalty to the family made him a Great Man. The Hawkins Family will miss your passion and loyalty, Mr. Calvin Walker. Chester Hawkins (Close Family Friend) This is the first Ɵme I won't be geƫng that call, hey baby girl Ridgle how you be and I would reply hey baby boy Ridgle I'll be just like you on July 13th. Then I played the game, I'm the same as you unƟl July 26th. He would say, it is what it is but I'm the oldest. I remember when we took our first photos and back then they were in brown and white. We both were dressed to the nines going to the ten. And if anybody knew my brother he was always dressed. I remember one day we were shopping at the salvaƟon army and this liƩle boy pushed me down. He said, you don't touch my baby girl Ridgle, my birthday twin and those liƩle fists went to work. It took both of our mothers, Mae Helen and Mary to pull him off. I was so happy I jumped on his back kissing him. He was one who baƩled pain and you would never know it. He carried being the oldest proudly. Now I understand the assignment It is what is! Terri MiAnn Woods - Shorter (Sister )

Memories of You Dad It’s been the hardest thing to lose you

You meant so much to me But you are in my heart Dad And that’s where you’ll always be I know that Heaven called you But I wish you could have stayed At least the memories I have of you They will never fade I did not want to lose you But you did not go alone Because a part of me went with you When Heaven called you home So just remember one thing We are not apart You’re with me in my memories And in my broken heart

The Family

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