Calvin Walker Program

Tributes to Calvin My dad, My father, gone but never forgoƩen. His skin, his touch, beyond this world. Taken away from not only me, but his grandchildren as well. His smile, his laughter, he was always heard. So funny, so hilarious again beyond any world. He loved me and I knew he did. My dad, although you are no longer with me, I want you to know how much I loved you when I was lucky enough to have you in my life. I want you to know that even though you are no longer with me, I sƟll think about you and miss you so much. In the next lifeƟme we will catch up where we leŌ off and conƟnue this thing, they call life. Your Daughter, Tykishia J. Griffith My dear beloved brother, you will forever be in my heart. I always loved you from the Start! Even though your voice was stern, without you being around my life is torn. Thanks for being my Bubby! I will forever love you doubly! Rest in love Love, Rena (Sister) I thank God that He gave me the chance to meet my brother Calvin. He and I hit it off at our first hello. We talked for 5 hours about any and everything, I truly loved him and will miss his voice. I even found myself calling his phone, just to hear his voicemail one last Ɵme. And even though it was just a short period of Ɵme, I learned to love his personality and sense of humor. He could even make me smile on my worst days. I even picked up his "oooh wee" and his “I tried to told ya someƟn" in my vocabulary lol. I pray that my brother is resƟng in the arms of God. And that our father in heaven comforts my family. We know to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. R.I.P liƩle brother, I will miss you unƟl we meet again. Kimberly Spellman (Sister) . Calvin, Aunt Mary will always miss you. I was glad you made it out here to SeaƩle to see me and share some family Ɵme. I will also miss your phone calls and the long talks we shared talking about your mother. Rest in peace. Mary Ann Richardson (Aunt)

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