Calvin Walker Program

In memoriam, thanks for the memories that will always be treasured.

Love, STeague The Soul of a Great Man starts with the love of family. Calvin Walker was unapologeƟc for the love he provided to his family. His behavior of love and loyalty to the family made him a Great Man. The Hawkins Family will miss your passion and loyalty, Mr. Calvin Walker. Chester Hawkins (Close Family Friend) This is the first Ɵme I won't be geƫng that call, hey baby girl Ridgle how you be and I would reply hey baby boy Ridgle I'll be just like you on July 13th. Then I played the game, I'm the same as you unƟl July 26th. He would say, it is what it is but I'm the oldest. I remember when we took our first photos and back then they were in brown and white. We both were dressed to the nines going to the ten. And if anybody knew my brother he was always dressed. I remember one day we were shopping at the salvaƟon army and this liƩle boy pushed me down. He said, you don't touch my baby girl Ridgle, my birthday twin and those liƩle fists went to work. It took both of our mothers, Mae Helen and Mary to pull him off. I was so happy I jumped on his back kissing him. He was one who baƩled pain and you would never know it. He carried being the oldest proudly. Now I understand the assignment It is what is! Terri MiAnn Woods - Shorter (Sister )

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