Curtis Taylor_stnd blue Cowboys
On April 15, 1971, Curtis Taylor and Beatrice Carrizales - Taylor were blessed to become parents to a handsome baby boy named Curtis Taylor III. Curtis received his wings on February 15, 2024, when God called him home. Curtis graduated from Wilmer Hutchins High School, earning his high school diploma. He continued his education at Continental Truck Driving School, earned his commercial driver ’ s license, and became a professional truck driver. Curtis “ Bitsie ” Taylor III was a spiritual man who sent daily verses and food for thought to his siblings and friends. He often shared his testimony and how God had delivered him. He was a delight. He embraced challenges and triumphs, leaving a legacy that inspire us all. Curtis ’ authenticity and resilience were evident in every aspect of his life. Curtis lived his life by doing what he loved - spreading God ’ s word, spending quality time with family and friends, and truck driving. Curtis also loved helping in the community, and you would find him volunteering at different food banks and helping older people by mowing their yards or performing small chores. Curtis placed a special umbrella over the women in his life. He would often lend elderly guidance or a helping hand with more strenuous work. He leaves to treasure his memory: his fiancé, Tanya Kennedy; his daughter, Catina Olds; grandkids, Brayden Burns, Jr., Biegon Burns, Jr., Caelei and Casadei Olds; siblings, Tina Ervin, Teresa Thompson (Christopher), Troble Taylor, LaKeeya Taylor, Londedric Taylor, Curtis Landon, Curtis “ CJ ” Taylor, Joycelynn Taylor, his bonus kids, and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends. Bitsie was preceded in death by his dad, Curtis Junior Taylor, his mom, Beatrice Carrizales Taylor, and siblings, Curtis Taylor Jr., Robert Taylor, and Jerry B. Taylor.
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