David Brooks_smbk black silver1
will always love you. My only regret is that if I had known that the last time I saw you, would be the last time I saw you, I would have hugged you a little bit tighter, told you I loved you a little bit louder and stayed by your side a little longer. My mind knows that you are gone but my heart will never accept it. I miss you so much, the only true comfort is believing I will see you again. Your Mom!
So much I could have done, too much I should have said, only God knows my regret! I know you are in a better place, and I will see you again and cherish all the memories you left behind. Your Only Son DJ
Da - Da you were my first grandchild! I saw you come into this world, and I saw you leave this world. You have been the love of my life since day one. I don ’ t know how I am going to say goodbye to you, it ’ s so hard. When I took you home on Saturday and you got out of my car, I didn ’ t know it would be my last time seeing that beautiful smile and to hear you say one last time, “ Mama, I Love you ”. You fought a good fight, Da - Da and we thought we had it beat but God called you home to rest. So, you won your fight after all. I ’ ll miss you every hour and every second for the rest of my life. I Love you Da-Da, Mama
You went away so suddenly we did not get to say good - bye. But brothers can never be parted, precious memories never die. Damian Brooks
A million times we needed you, A million time we cried. If love a lone could have saved you You never would have died. In life we loved you clearly In death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place That no one could ever fill.
Our dear one was called away, and has gone with the Lord to stay. Although this passing makes us weep, we rejoice our loved one rests safe in God ’ s keep!
Armani & Amaya Brooks
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