David Gill Program
During this trying time, the presence of friends, family, and our church family has helped sustain us. Your prayers and words of concern have encouraged our sad hearts. Thank you for the food, phone calls, and visits, as they have been a blessing to our family. - The Family of David Gill A CTIVE P ALLBEARERS
Patrick Smith Keith Smith Kenny Smith Otis Smith, Jr. Shawn Smith Kevin Smith Winfred Smith Justin Smith H ONORARY P ALLBEARERS Ashton Barber Anthony Barber Jordan Barber Chris Wyatt Nicholas Penn Joseph Gill, Sr. LaQuincy Loudermilk Joseph Gill, Jr.
E ARTHLY R ESTING P LACE Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery 2000 Mountain Creek Pkwy. Dallas, Texas 75211
John Beckwith Jr. - CEO & Owner Dallas, Texas |(214) 941-7332
Fort Worth, Texas |(817) 478-9555 Tallulah, Louisiana | (318) 574-6100 www.goldengatefuneralhome.com “Where Service Begins and Never Ends”
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