Dwanna Swan Hadrick

D WANNA L A F AYE S WAN was born on January 8, 1969 to Burl Swan (deceased) and Gwendolyn Swan at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, TX. Even though Dwanna was born a healthy 6 lb. 7 oz unfortunately she was also born with a very rare medical condition called Lipodystrophy. Doctors said she wouldn’t live past 12 years old. In Dwanna’s early years she faced many challenges with her health. Some days were easy while most days were not because of her medical condition. She never complained nor did she allow it to stop her from reaching her goals or dreams. In life she drew her strength from it. Dwanna was introduced to Christ at a very early age and Dwanna’s love for God family and people became her purpose passion and destiny in life. Dwanna was a very beautiful, smart, kind, loving, giving, intelligent, peaceful human being. She was very mild tempered and if she wasn’t let’s just say someone else changed her temper and she had to let them know who she was. Dwanna was filled with knowledge and passionate about her education. Dwanna graduated from Chisolm Trail Academy in 1987 (high school). After high school, Dwanna attended Hill Junior College in 1992 and received her associate of science. She went on to attend Amber University where she received Master of Science in 1997. After attending Amber University she went on to attend Southwest Texas State University College of Health Professions where she received her Assisted Living Management Certificate program in 2001. During this time, Dwanna met and married her first husband Derrick Ary they were married in 2003 with this union came their fur babies (dogs), Tub Tub, Rascal and the one and only diva of the bunch Precious. They later adopted Georgie, Cisco, Alex and Maxima. Dwanna has always been strong, gifted, successful, businesswoman, with a work ethic like no other. While being a wife, a mother to her fur babies She started and ran a business. Her business was CSA Enterprise, Inc. Her love for helping people with disabilities is what led her to create CSA Enterprise Inc. Her passion to touch, change and impact lives was her true calling. While changing lives, she continued to change her own she attended Capella University where she received her Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services with specialization in health care administration in 2011. When I say my sister was educated, she was very educated. Dwanna loved to travel, loved to cook and she loved helping people. Dr. Dwanna also became a public speaker and a voice for people living with Lipodystrophy. She would travel to speaking engagements all across the US to speak about the research and work being done in Lipodystrophy, so her medical condition never dictated or stopped her life, it fueled it. In February 2020, her husband Derrick had a stroke and she would be right by his side until the pandemic (hospital rules during this time would not allow her to be by his side). He passed away in 2021. They traveled, they loved dining out, they went fishing and they enjoyed bowling. In the spring of this year, Dwanna found out that she had stage

4 bone and liver cancer. (She would be in and out of the hospital). She began her treatments, Robert took a leave of absence to take care of her and by the day after her 5th treatment, her body just couldn’t handle it. On Wednesday, July 19, 2023, Robert called the E.M.T.’s to come get Dwanna because she was non-responsive.

The E.M.T.’s arrived and said her blood sugar was a 32 they managed to get her to Medical City Hospital in McKinney and get her blood sugar up and she was responsive again. The doctors ran some additional test and found a hole in her chest where the cancer was spreading aggressively. They gave her 10 days to live and by day 8 on July 27, 2023 at 6 P.M., Dr. Dwanna LaFaye Swan-Hadrick had taken her last breath on this side of Heaven (with her mom and husband by her side). Dwanna was preceded in death by Burl Swan (dad), Stanley Swan (older brother), Marcia Swan-Cooper (baby sister), Derrick Ary (1st husband), Tub-Tub, Precious, Cisco, Georgie and Rascal (all her fur-babies).

Dwanna leaves to cherish her husband, Robert Hadrick; her mother, Gwendolyn Swan; her eldest sister, Kimberly Swan Turner; her younger brother, Fier (Virginia) Swan all of North Dallas Metro area; baby brother, Jeremy (b.k.a. J) Neal of Little Rock, Arkansas; her two remaining fur babies, Alex and Maxima; two aunts, Aunt Dimples and Aunt Bert; three nephews; six nieces; and a host of cousins, friends and clients that love and miss her. Dr. Dwanna LaFaye Swan-Hadrick rest well until we meet again!!!

S ATURDAY , A UGUST 5, 2023 11:00 AM G OLDEN G ATE F UNERAL H OME 4155 S. R. L. Thornton Frwy. — Dallas, Texas 75224

Processional……………………..…Clergy, Pallbearers, Family, Funeral Directors

Hymn of Comfort

Scripture Readings Old Testament……………………...……………………………….………..Minister New Testament………………………….…..…………………………..….. Minister

Prayer of Comfort…………………….…………………………………….……Minister



Remarks……………………….…………............................... Limit 2 Minutes, Please



Parting View……………………………………………………….…..Funeral Directors


On July 25, 2021, the day I met you, I could not stop looking at you, you had amazing blue eyes and the most beautiful smile. I have ever seen. One week later we started dating and exactly one year later I knew that you were the woman of my dreams. You were the most caring,

loving person I had ever met you would do anything for anyone who needed help especially your family. You were the matriarch of the family. As we started our journey, you showed me and taught me so many things like how to relax, how to take time for me, and this made me a better man. Dwanna when you would walk into a room I would light up like a Christmas tree because of your beautiful smile, them pretty blue eyes and your heart of gold. You introduced me to a lot of new things and thing I have never experienced before in my life. As time moved quickly, we started planning our wedding, because the more I met your wonderful family and friends, they would tell me how lucky I was to have you. In November of last year, you had your first surgery and from that point on your health started declining. As your health declined and you began to get worse, I knew that if I was going to be your husband then I needed to treat you like the queen that you were and take complete and total care of you and I did. Dwanna, you were my wife, my queen, my lover, and my best friend, I miss you so much and there will be no one that

can ever replace you. The day you passed away I said don’t worry about me because one day I will see you again and I will be home with you again . Love, Robert

When troubles come to try our soul, we love you friends for standing by. For these are troubles all our own and paths that we must tread alone. Your love has eased this mournful road, and our prayers have lightened this heavy load. But just to feel we had a friend who stuck by us until the end. Whose sympathy through all endured, Whose warm handshake was always yours. You have emptied our chalice of heartache and pain. You have freshened our desert with flowers and rain. You have come in the sadness of winter and gloom. And sung of the gladness of summer and bloom. So in our grief, we fervently cry. God bless you friends, for just standing by.

Friends of the Family

Ridgeview Memorial Park Allen, Texas



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