Elizabeth Hunter

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Elder Weldon E. Harris — PRESIDING —

Processional …………………........….…. Clergy, Pallbearers and the Family

Praise & Worship

The Scripture Readings: Old Testament ….…………………….....……. Pastor Raymond Beck New Testament …………………….....………. Pastor Leroy Kennedy

Prayer of Comfort …………………........…….....……….. Pastor Earnest Betts

Solo ………..……………………....…………..……….. Sis. Tamesha Alexander

Resolutions …...................................... Christ Trinity MBC—Tashmiere Moore

Remarks …………………………..…………………… Limit 2 Minutes, Please

Special Remarks …………………………….....…...……………….. Ann Hunter

Solo………..……………………....…………………..……….. Sis. Ramona Harris

Eulogy …………………………………......………..……… Pastor Kelvin Berkley

Final Viewing ………………...........………… Golden Gate Funeral Directors

Recessional …………………………………………..………… Funeral Cortege

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