Howard Bagley_2fld Blue

Life Reflections Reverend Howard A. Bagley Sr. was born October 11, 1931 in Rusk, Texas to the parentage of John and Edith Bagley. In 1945 the family relocated to Rochester, Texas. He received his formal education in Rule School District. He accepted Christ at an early age and later moved to Dallas, Texas where he united with Greater New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Rev. Dr. R.C. McNeil. He served as a Deacon, in the Brotherhood and a member of the Male Chorus. While still serving as a member at Greater New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Rev. T.J. Prince he accepted his calling into ministry and was ordained. He later joined Believers Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Darrell Wayne Davis where he faithfully served on the ministerial team, in the Brotherhood and Male Chorus until the Lord called him home on October 29, 2022. He worked for Gifford Hill Concrete Company for thirty years until he retired. He met and married Maudiem Bagley and to this union two sons were born, Howard A. Bagley Jr. (Skip) and Rev. Terry L. Bagley. All of them preceded him in death. In his later years he married Sylvia Poellnitz and gained two sons Ezell and Lewis. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, John and Edith Bagley; three sisters, Elizabeth Bagley Tidwell, Earline Bagley Washington, and Mary C. Bagley Bell; two brothers, Thomas Bagley and Benson Bagley; two grandsons, LaQuinton (Teddy) Brock and Jewel Oliver. He leaves to cherish his memory: loving wife, Sylvia Bagley; one sister, Alice Bagley Dever; one brother, Walter Bagley; one daughter, Sheila Bagley; two granddaughters, Christy Franklin and Takiyah Phillips; grandsons, Terrance (Ramone) Brock, Galon Franklin, Tommy(Fats) Miller; four great granddaughters, Vivian Franklin, Taylor Brock, Shavonte Bell and Altha Spicer; four great grandsons, Terry Brock De’von Proctor Jr., Christian Proctor, and Zahir Proctor; and a host of nieces, nephews, relatives, and friends.

Scripture -John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life . The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; And whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”


Hymn of Comfort……………………...….. Alma Bartley

Scripture Reading

Old Testament..………….. Mertis M. Bartley III New Testament……………...… Norman Bagley

Don ’ t Don’t spend to much time in mourning

Prayer……………….………………. Rev. Nyal S. Bell

Solo…………………………………...….. Alma Bartley

Tears are for the sad; I left to be with Jesus, and this should make you glad. Don’t waste your hours in grieving No need to feed distress I’m tired of life’s frustrations And had to get some rest. Don’t vex yourself with questions Or try to reason why; Life here for me was ended It came my time to die.

Resolutions……………………..….. Please give to family

Special Remarks.… Bishop Stella Bartley and Rev. Boyd

Eulogy………………....… Apostle Mertis M. Bartley, II

Parting View. .…...…………….... Golden Gate Directors

Recessional………………………………..….. Soft Music

Don’t lose the love I gave you… Feed it with devotion, and Spread it everywhere.

Dinner will be served in the fellowship hall immediately following the services.

Don’t fret because my leaving Came in such a way; We will have another meeting In God’s Eternal Day.


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