I loved you then and I love you now. Thirty years may seem like a long time to be married for some, but I wanted so many more years with you.

However God, looked down upon your tired face and saw your pain and suffering and decided to restore you to health. I remember praying for you and with you often and you telling me that if God don’t heal you on this side, He will surely heal you on His side. I reflect upon the times that you would drive me to and from work daily until your health begin to fail you, not because we only had one car and you had to but because you wanted to spend every minute together that we could. You would reach over and hold my hand all the way from

home to downtown if I would let you and I would have to remind you that you needed two hands to drive especially in that rush hour traffic. I also remember those Sunday morning that you would remind me that we indeed had two reliable running cars. I would say to you, “Wait, I’m almost ready”, and you would turn and say as you were walking out the door for church, “I will see you when you make it there.” You had a job to do and you wasn’t about to let me or anyone else delay you in doing it. Thank you very much for being a man of God first, a caring, loving and wonderful husband to me, a strong, own, a uncle, a nephew, a cousin and friend that anyone could call and talk with for hours on end. Whatever your role, you lived it well and did your very best to show love to all. I know you are resting now and for that I am at peace with your absence. I will shed many tears over the coming days and I will miss you for the rest of my life but I know I will see you again! Rest Well My Love, Sha

loving and supportive father for our children, a big brother that Roderick could always depend on, a brother-in-law that loved my brothers and sister as your very

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