We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the many acts of kindness shown during the death of my beloved husband, father, brother and uncle. Each gracious prayer, each call of condolence, each visit, and each offer of support from family and friends. May God bless each of you. The Family of Deacon Ronald L. Johns A CTIVE P ALLBEARERS Elijah Jackson Robert Patterson Johnny Davis, Jr. Bobby Curry Ja.Myri Garrett Tarvaris Blair Merel Ratcliff Brenden Lewis H ONORARY P ALLBEARERS Roderick Johns D’Angelo Johns Xavien Johns William Walker Thomas Jackson, Jr. Jesse Jackson Johnny Davis, Sr.
I NTERMENT Lincoln Memorial Park
Dallas, Texas R EPASS Greater Shiloh Baptist Church
4010 Sunnyvale Road Dallas, Texas 75216
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