Jereline Clack Program

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I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. ~ 2 Timothy 4:7 NKJV

J ERELINE S MITH C LACK was born on November 15, 1934 to Myrtle Lampkin Butler and Richard Moses Smith. She was raised in the Princeville Community where she attended school before moving to Gonzales, Texas to attend and graduate from Edwards High School in 1953. While in high school, she had the opportunity to travel to Dallas where she was the recipient of the State Fair of Texas “New Homemaker Award.” She would also go on to attend St. Phillips College in San Antonio, Texas. Shortly thereafter, she began her career in healthcare. She married Martin Ray Clack on August 8, 1953. To this union, five children were born. Jereline’s husband and children remember her as, loving God, singing, cooking, serving others, tending to her plants, caring for her pets, cherishing her family and documenting history and especially, loving her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was fondly known as “Grandma” and as “Nana Clack.” She loved them dearly and would sometimes have a household full of grandchildren and great grandchildren at least one week of the summer. Jereline was an active member of Providence Missionary Baptist Church of Gonzales, Texas for over 50 years until her health failed her. There she faithfully served in multiple capacities such as the superintendent of the Sunday School, director of B.T.U., taught Vacation Bible School, sang in the choir, served as a deaconess, was a member of the mission auxiliary and was the food services manager. Jereline also worked in the Mt. Zion District Association and served faithfully in the Mission Auxiliary. She was recognized for her commitment to service in 2007 when she received the “Outstanding Leadership Award” as chairperson of the first Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist District Association of Churches “Women and Girl’s Conference.” She also completed the “Woman of God” Program at Cornerstone Church. .

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