Makisha Pippens

M A ’K ISHA E ARNETTE P IPPENS was born on February 23, 1978 in Dallas, TX to the parentage of Mrs. Julvita Pippens and Mr. Earnest Pippens. She was introduced to Christian life at an early age. She professed faith in Jesus Christ at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Roy Locke. Ma’Kisha attended public schools in Dallas, TX and graduated

from Lee Gresham Pinkston High School in 1996. She received an Associate Degree in Business from El Centro. She started her career path at Parkland Hospital where she met and married the love of her life Christopher Robertson in October 2004 and to this union three children were born, Jordan, Ja’Chrisha and D’Asia. She was a dedicated mother first and foremost. She treasured her children and embraced every moment with them. She was proud of their accomplishments and loved them with all her heart and soul. MaKisha had a special bond with her husband whom she showed unconditional love and respect for. Ma’Kisha was preceded in death be her grandparents; mother, Julvita Pippens; dad, Earnest Pippens; and her husband, Christopher Robertson. She is survived by her sisters, Tamesha (A. D.), Aineiska, Ernita; children, Jordan, Ja’Chrisha and D’Asia; granddaughter, Cevyn; and a host of uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends.

R EST E TERNALLY IN L OVE “This Too Shall Pass”

Ma’Kisha Earnette Pippens


Saturday, April 20, 2024| 11:00 am L INCOLN M EMORIAL C EMETERY 8100 Fireside Dr. — Dallas, Texas

Processional………….………….…….. Family and Friends

Scripture Readings:

Old Testament…………… Evangelist Betty Wofford New Testament………………. Deacon Derrick Rose

Prayer …………………………....................... Pastor Locke

Obituary………….…..........………………..... Read Silently

Song………………………………………….. “Deliver Me”


Dove Release


Kisha you were a phenomenal daughter, sister, wife, mother, prayer warrior & best friend. I am going to miss your laugh, your phone calls, being my secret gate keeper, the rode trips to the casino, & my Facebook police. Sister you fought a great fight and I am so proud to have a sister like you. Forever in my heart...always and forever until we meet again…

I feel faint as your wings are guiding you to Heaven. But your spirit will live on in my heart forever… As I feel sad, I will imagine your halo shining… May you keep surrounding me in my hardest times, and my happiest times...I love you my dear Sister Kisha, watch over me from Heaven until we meet again...

H UMBLE W ARRIOR You were the most humble warrior that we’ve known. Thanks for all of the love that was shown. You were such a great sister and friend. We hope that one day our heart will mend. We don’t know what tomorrow brings...But Heaven couldn’t wait for you and we know that you got wings.

Momma thank you for everything, for teaching us to be respectful, for teaching us to be responsible, for loving us unconditionally, for answering the phone whenever we needed you, for guiding us through life after we became lost from

losing our Dad so young, and just for being you. Losing you will affect us all our life, you will genuinely be missed, your hugs, your laugh, your smile that brought light to so many dark situations, but no more suffering and no more pain.

We love you and again we thank you for everything, knowing your mom, father and husband will be there waiting for you at Heaven gates gives us a sense of peace.

Don't grieve for me now, I'm free. I'm following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard him call I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day To laugh, to love, to work or play Tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that peace at close of day. If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah yes, these things I too shall miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow; I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full; I've savored much; Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch. Perhaps my time

seemed all too brief; Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.

Lift up your hearts and share with me; God wanted me now - He set me free.

Cannot cripple love Cannot shatter hope Cannot corrode faith Cannot destroy peace Cannot kill friendship Cannot suppress memories

Cannot silence courage Cannot invade the soul Cannot steal eternal life... CANNOT CONQUER THE SPIRIT!!!

Chris, I am glad that our souls joined as one. You will forever be my soulmate; my first love, my best friend, my everything. I thank God that we found each other. I will forever cherish our memories, dreams and children. I am so lost and confused without you, only God can get me through. You will forever be my everything. Love, Kisha

I can’t understand you not being here. I know it was not your choice. I ask God why? But in this question I know He needed you the most. But God I need him a lot. He’s my everything. How can I go on without him? Strength, look to the hills, but why? I’m weak Lord I’m not strong enough. I’m lost. Your Wife

Family of Gratitude

Because you cared, you came to share beautiful flowers and words of prayer. Because you cared enough to do, words of comfort and cards came too. Because you cared, we were not alone, calls and visits reached hospital and home. Because you cared we're grateful indeed, you've been a comfort and a friend in need. Because you cared, we're able to bear the grief and sorrow, there is no despair. Because you cared, we're praying too, for God's richest blessings for each of you.

John Reedy Tyrese Robertson Jorez Robinson Jarius Reedy James Zachary Idahosa Robinson

Jordan Robertson John Agent Adonis Robinson Kyree Florence Jimmy Boston Bobby Brown

Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Dallas, Texas



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