Mary Carraway

We, the entire family of Mary Ruth Carraway, would like to express our sincere gratitude for your love, kindness, support and especially your heartfelt prayers during this time, we asked if you would continue to petition God for much more needed prayer as we navigate life without our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin and friend. - The Family ACTIVE PALLBEARERS Rodney Franklin Dedrick Franklin Kevon Dorsey JaCorrie Franklin Javarise Franklin Jeramy Franklin HONORARY PALLBEARERS Isaiah Carraway Woodrow Franklin Jr. Ray Franklin Alfred Wiley Carl White Lavarise Franklin Woodray Jones Franklin INTERMENT Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Dallas, Texas Repass: B Elite Venue 320 S. Clark Rd.—Cedar Hill, TX 75104

-F INAL A RRANGEMENTS E NTRUSTED T O - John E. Beckwith G OLDEN G ATE F UNERAL H OME John E. Beckwith, Jr. - CEO & Owner Dallas, Texas 214-941-7332

Fort Worth, Texas 817-478-9555 Tallulah, Louisiana 318-574-6100

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