Mary L Broadnax
For 63 years you were my beautiful wife. I knew when I first laid eyes on you in November of 1958, I told you you would be my wife and in six months, May of ‘59, we were husband and wife. We have never been apart until now. Thank you for taking care of our children and keeping the house running smoothly. You were a good woman, fantastic cook and my very best friend. I am having a hard time but with the help from, “The Master” as you would say, I am going to get through this. Your Husband Benjamin From your gorgeous daughter Never in a million years would I have imagined life without you. You have “Always” been there. You were never a good mother. You were “ THE BEST Mother” a girl could ever have. You were the epitome of what a wife and mother should be. You taught Mark, Christi and I how to read and write before we attended kindergarten. For every occasion, you dressed us appropriately and made sure we articulated properly in every situation. You modeled how to love, treat and respect your husband. You always treated us fairly and gave stern instructions about all aspects of life. You maintained high expectations for us all and “Always” pushed us to choose our own destiny and be great at it.Thank you and daddy for bringing us up in the Church, making sure we attended Sunday School, choir rehearsal and bring our offering to each service. Thank you mommy for allowing me to be myself, sing silly songs and crack jokes. I know you had to go because you were tired, but my heart wasn’t ready. Sleep in Heavenly Peace Mommy. Te quiero mucho- I love you. Nicki God is so amazing and I am so blessed that He chose Mary Louise Hunter Broadnax to be my Mother on this planet Earth. Growing up, you were the community mother and the school mother because many of my classmates considered you as their mother too especially when you would make fudge marble cupcakes for the entire class. You taught me what a real woman means. You showed me how a respectable and Godly woman lives life. You showed me how to be a loving wife and mother. You were the true example of love and peace and you lived your life accordingly. Even though you are not present here physically, your legacy will forever live on through your daughters, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren. I love you so much and until we are reunited again, I will keep living per your final instructions to me. You told me to "take care of my boys, continue living life, and keep smiling." I Love Always and Forever!!! Your "Lil Red Girl" Your Baby Girl, Christi LaJoy L OVE FOR MY SISTER I love you , love you, love you! This is how we would greet each other over the phone. We would try to be the first to say it to each other, sometimes you would win, sometimes I would win. Wanda would sometimes call you from her phone to trick you. We would all laugh hysterically. In the end, the greatest winner was love itself. Thank you Sis for loving Wanda like your blood sister. This made me feel even more loved. We will miss your sizzling salmon, your dimpled smile, and your infectious laugh. Most of all we will miss hearing you say, “I love you, love you, love you!” Ray and Wanda Hunter
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