Mary L Broadnax

L ETTER TO M Y S ISTER … “S ISTER IN H EAVEN ” They say there is a reason

They say time will heal. Neither time, nor reason Will change the way I feel. Gone are the days we use to share, Talking long on the phone, like we just didn’t care. Though I can’t physically be present to celebrate your life today, with prayer in my heart, you are always there. The gates of our memories will never close; Love you more than you will ever know. “Love and miss you” were our prayers together, now you’re singing and shouting with all of our sisters in Heaven. Till we all meet again Sis… One day, then Forever! Love your Sister Minnie Mae (Hop) Our earliest memories of Granny Mary are the days where she took care of us while our parents were working when we were younger. For breakfast, Granny would cook us eggs in her cast iron skillet, brown a couple of sausage links and pop a few Eggo waffles in the toaster. We would then proceed to watch The Price is Right, The Young and the Restless and all the other daytime television shows. This was before cell phones so to keep ourselves entertained, we came up with all types of games; we made basketball goals out of paper and taped it to the wall and shot paper balls through it; we pretended to be tennis players and hit paper balls to each other in the living room. Granny would find paper balls all over her house by the time we were finished lol Granny was patient, kind, caring, loving and we will truly miss her! Her laugh was one of a kind! We’re grateful that we got to love on her for as long as we did. “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” It brings us comfort to know that she’s reunited with her son, our dad in heaven. As believers in Christ, we know we will see them again one day! Love you always Granny! Mar’Shae and Mark Jr. To my “Old Lady”, I enjoyed all of our time together playing Chinese checkers, painting your nails, brushing your hair, and even our dance videos even if you just waved your hands around. You showed me a side of you that not many have seen. I just thank God that I took every opportunity to show you love in the most honest way. Yes you leaving earth hurts, but it doesn't compare to the joy of eternal life we'll have together as a family when this is all over. Mariana, your granddaughter Thank you for listening to me all the times I showed you my video games and talked your head off about my Anime. You always took the time to listen to what I was talking about. The expression on your face and the questions you would ask always made me laugh. Granny you were the best! You were so funny, sweet and always had my allowance! Lol I am going to really miss you granny. Maria Kate

Thank you for always being nice to us! Luka, Maverick, Dallas and Pascal , your grandpuppies

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