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Friday, April 19, 2024 — 1:00 PM G OLDEN G ATE F UNERAL H OME 4155 S. R. L. T HORNTON F RWY . — D ALLAS , T EXAS 75224 Minister Lisa Evans, Officiating
Life Reflections
A Poem to PawPaw It’s hard to find the words to describe how beautiful your spirit was in this world.
Your smile was contagious, and the vibration of your spirit and energy could be felt.
If I had to describe you in three statements,.
Hymn of Comfort………………. “More than I Can Bear” By Kirk Franklin
An amazing father, an incredible grandfather — a phenomenal man.
Scripture Reading
Old Testament…………………. Zack Batiste IV Acocrypha Reading…….………. Zack Batiste IV New Testament…Minister La’Veria Yeager Jones
The wisdom and love you provided will be missed but forever cherished.
Prayer…………………………........ Minister Lisa Evans Pastor Anthony Bates, Greater Works Church
Your loving wife, Sylvia, patiently awaited the arrival of her king while you grieved for your queen here on earth. We find great joy in knowing that you can finally rest in peace, in the kingdom of heaven, with the love of your life. In the words of one of your favorites, Earth, Wind, and Fire,. ”Hearts a fire..creates love desire.. Take you high and higher. To the world, you belong.”
Solo………………………………... Christopher Houston
Solo………………….……………. Rev. Vernice Oakley
Remarks……………...…...……..Limit 2 Minutes, Please
Special Remarks…………Alexis Batiste, Destiny Watson, Camille Batiste
Solo…………………………..……… Samiyah Freeman
Eulogy………………...……….. Minister Herbert Hytche The Planet Earth Church of Christ
We will love you, remember you, and miss you forever. - Destiny (granddaughter)
Parting View. .…...…………….... Golden Gate Directors
Recessional……….. “I Won’t Complain” - Rev. Paul Jones
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