Richard Williams
Richard Cordell Williams was born on July 20, 1964, to Mattie Louise Sentell and James Edgar Williams in Marshall, Texas. He was the third of four children. Richard accepted Christ at Full Gospel Holy Temple under the leadership of Apostle Lobias Murray and Evangelist Shirley Murray. He remained a faithful member until the passing of Apostle Lobias Murray. He then joined and became a faithful member of Full Gospel Tabernacle under the leadership of Bishop Darick Favors, Sr. and now current Pastor, Michelle D. Favors. He loved his church and his church family. He was always eager to attend services until his health prevented him from attending. Richard graduated from Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School in 1984. He was talented in sports but opted to join the Navy. Richard’s genuine and humble spirit has touched many lives and will forever be in our hearts. He was an immensely proud husband, father, and grandfather that dedicated his life to pleasing, providing, and protecting his family. Through the eyes of his family, he was an amazing man. He exemplified so much love, compassion, and light to all that knew him. He will certainly be remembered for the love he had for his family, love for God and God’s people, his humbleness, charming smile, warm spirit, and his ability to spread cheer with his sense of humor and corny jokes. He gained his wings and made life’s transition on January 12, 2024. He was preceded in death by his father, James Williams, and mother, Mattie Sentell. He leaves to cherish his loving memories his wife, LaTonia of 28 years, (3) children, Jaron Williams (Joy), Jaylyn Harper (Raymond), and Tristen Lawson (Charles); (3) grandchildren, Ariyah, Alora, and Skye; (3) siblings, Sandra Winfrey (Michael), Ronnie Williams (Shawn), and Carla Brewer; father-in Law, Ivory Jones; mother-in-Law, Gloria Jones; two brothers-in- law, Ivory Jones, Jr., and Corey Gibbons; and one sister-in-law, LaCynthia Crawford; and a host of nieces, nephews, close relatives and friends.
Saturday, January 27, 2024 |11:00 AM F ULL G OSPEL T ABERNACLE 623 E. W OODIN B LVD . — D ALLAS , T EXAS 75216 P ASTOR M ICHELLE F AVORS
Minister Billy Millage
Clergy, Family and Friends
Old Testament New Testament
Minister Angela Ward Minister Shannon Adams
Pastor Charles Toussaint
Charles Lawson
Full Gospel Tabernacle
Minister Cynthia Chase Minister Ricky Sykes
Pastor Rhonda Collier
Allen Proctor, Lindenmyr Monroe, Henry Wilson and Family
Bro. Derrick Williams
Pastor Michelle Favors
Golden Gate Directors
Remembering your smile will be easy. Remembering your corny jokes will be easy. Remembering how precise you were with placing certain things will be easy. Remembering our life together will be easy. Remembering how nervous you were at the birth of each of our children will be easy. Remembering how you got up tirelessly every day to go to work to provide for our family will be easy. Remembering all the sacrifices you have made will be easy. It is living this life on earth without you that will be hard. Not being able to hear your voice, or to feel your touch will be hard. I know I can take comfort in knowing that the God that you served will help me along the way because he is a God of all comfort. Babe, we just became empty nesters, and it was supposed to be our time to do more traveling, and other things we had planned to do years ago, but God’s plan superseded ours. Although my heart is heavy, I am ever grateful that you are no longer suffering but that you are at peace and sitting in heavenly places. As our son, Jaron so eloquently stated, Congratulations! babe you now have total victory because you fought a good fight and you have finished the course. This is not goodbye but see you later. I will love you forever. Tribute to My Husband
Your wife, LaTia
To my beloved Father. Dad, I am so grateful of the man you are. So loving, caring, and strong in so many ways. You’ve taught me so much in the 26 years I’ve grown to know and love you. Thank you for raising this strong woman that I am today. Nothing you’ve done for me and our family has gone unnoticed and we appreciate you for the ways you provided, sacrificed and loved us. The memory that I hold dear to my heart is when I thought I would not have you to walk me down the aisle for my wedding or dance with me during the father-daughter dance of the reception part. But God, in his everlasting grace gave you the strength to do both! I run to the pictures and videos of that day the most when I miss you, which I always do. I love you Dad. Rest on. Love, Jaylyn Harper Congratulations Daddy! You did it! You fought cancer and you won. I will deeply miss having you around, I am going to miss your corny jokes, your laughs, and most importantly your encouragement. No matter how old I get, I am going to always be your baby girl, who needs her dad. I thank God you got to see your granddaughter, she may not remember you, but she will know of you, and she will know how much you loved her and the tears you shed when you first met her. I cry because my heart will truly miss your presence. But I rejoice because now you suffer no more pain, and now you can rest in the kingdom, in your mansion! I love you so much daddy. Save me a seat at the king’s table. ~ Your baby girl, Tristen Lawson Dear Dad, I often think of you, the way you loved me and my girls, the relationship we’ve built, the laughs we shared, the memories we’ve created. I remember the last thing you said to me, and I will forever cherish it! I want to thank you for always accepting me, thank you for really seeing me, thank you for allowing me to be me! I thank God for placing you in my life, although I wish it didn’t have to end, I understand God needed you more! It’s bittersweet, because you are no longer here in the flesh, but your soul lives on with the Lord. I rejoice for the life you lived and for who you lived for! I rejoice knowing that you made it, so to that I say Congratulations! You fought the good fight; you won the battle. Victory! I love you forever and always, until next time old man! ~Love, Joy Williams There are no words that can express what Mr. Williams meant to me. Sir, I could never put into words how thankful I was for you. But my actions spoke just how grateful I was. A man I truly reverenced. A man who loved me with open arms, and treated me as one of his, who opened up his home and said I was home. A man who said I was a son before I said “I DO’’. A man that was all about Family and I was included. A man that when I went low, still loved me the same. A man that saw my ugly and said, we here. A man who showed the actions I spoke “keep doing the hard stuff until it’s easy” he lived the very words I preached. When you talk about people that reshape history, I think about Richard C. Williams that reshaped a BIG portion of my life and gave me the greatest gift “His daughter and my daughter because of it “ You are the reason I’ll forever be about Family. You are dearly missed. ~Your Son, Charles Lawson P.S. I’ll see you in the Kingdom; and if I never told you first, I love you, See you later. To a man whose love let me understand the Gospel more clearly, I’ll continue to keep my promise to you until I see you again. Love Your Son, Raymond Harper Dear Papa, I love you, and I miss you so much. I don’t want you to go! I just want to go to the movies with you one more time. I’m happy that you feel better now because you’re in a better place. You’re the bestest Papa ever, I miss you. Goodbye Papa. Love your grandchildren, Ariyah, Alora, and Skye To Dad, my running buddy. I remember when you told me that was the nickname you gave me when I was born. I accepted it and I’ve been running by your side ever since. My flesh misses your presence entirely, but my spirit man is so proud of the hard fought battle you had in this life and the victory that came from it. I thank God that I had a true man of faith to look up to and to call my father. I am honored to say that I am a true reflection of you. You taught me how to be the man I am today, a man of God, husband and father in that respectful order. And to honor the great man you were is to continue the legacy you built for this family and the next. I got Mom and the girls from here! From your Legacy, Jaron Williams Tribute to Our Dad
Perhaps you sent a lovely card or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a floral piece, if so, we saw it there. Perhaps you prayed a sincere prayer or came to pay a call. Perhaps you sang a cheerful song, if so, we heard it all. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, as any friend could say. Perhaps you prepared a tasty dish, or maybe furnished a car. Perhaps you rendered a service unseen, near at hand or from afar. Whatever you did to console our hearts, by word or deed or touch. Whatever was the kindly part, we thank you, oh so very much. . -
A CTIVE P ALLBEARERS Corey Gibbons Christian Winfrey Lucious Lyons Dalton Carter Rhyson Hicks Dai Juan Williams H ONORARY P ALLBEARERS Jaron Williams Raymond Harper Ivory Jones Jr. Charles Lawson Ronnie Williams Ivory Jones Sr. E ARTHLY R ESTING P LACE Laurel Land Memorial Park Dallas, Texas
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