Ruby Robinson_2fld red
My mother was different from most women that I know. When she walked in the room her presence could be felt.
She was small in stature but big in personality. She was loud but brought laughter to most. She was confident, fearless, loving and took no mess. She told it like it was and wasn ’ t afraid to use her gun if she deemed necessary. She was the mother that your friends would go to the club with and the one that would run into her nieces at the club and encourage (or try) to join the mini - skirt contest. She was the mother to tell you that you ’ re to young to settle down, date as many men as you can. She was the one who would take you to El Fenix and
buy you your first Pina Colada although you weren ’ t legal to drink. Yet she was the one to say if you ’ re going skating on Saturday, you must go to church on Sunday. Although, she wouldn ’ t go herself. I ’ m grateful that she sent me. My mother and I were very different. I dressed a little more modest, but she would let is ALL hang out. She liked her daisy dukes and low - cut tops. I remember when I went through my mini - skirt phase. She was so excited that she took me shopping to buy my first one (I think it was my only one) it was white with black polka dots. Eventually I bought a cat suit. I decided against wearing those type of outfits. We must have talked about it because she wanted the catsuit and I gave it to her. One day she hands me a picture with her wearing it. When my mother ’ s health took a downward turn, over 13 years ago, I started purchasing her clothes. I didn ’ t enjoy this task because I dressed her more modestly than I believe she would have liked. Throughout the years I ’ ve watched her go from the life of the party to a small light that ’ s in a dimmed room. I may have not always understood nor liked everything she did, however, I missed her being who she was. My mother loved the best way she knew how, and I know especially in her later days, she would have given me everything she had to give. She is now able to shine bright again .
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