Sharion Brody_lrg2fld Red Rose.pubFINAL
-C ELEBRATION S ERVICE - S ATURDAY . M ARCH 30, 2024 |11:00 AM G OLDEN G ATE F UNERAL H OME 4155 S OUTH R.L. T HORNTON F RWY .| D ALLAS , T EXAS 75224 Rev. Steven Brody, Sr., Eulogist Order of Service
Life Reflections
Dear Granny Your unwavering support and unconditional love have been the cornerstone of my life. You've always stood by my side, providing everything I needed without hesitation. Your words of encouragement to make you proud will forever echo in my heart, guiding me through life's journey.
Sharion Diane Brody, born on September 29, 1956, peacefully transitioned into the arms of the Lord on March 16, 2024. She entered this world in Ladonia, Texas, a cherished daughter of Louise Askew Coleman and Charles Edward Pruitt. Sharion's life was forever enriched when she met the love of her life, Bobby Brody, with whom she exchanged vows on February 22, 1980. Their union was a testament to enduring love and steadfast companionship, spanning 44 beautiful years until Bobby Brody's passing in 2024. Known for her boundless love for her grandson Bryson and unwavering dedication to her family and community, Sharion embodied kindness and compassion. Her selflessness, straightforwardness, and humor left an indelible mark on all who knew her. In addition to her beloved husband, Sharion was preceded in death by her parents, Louise Askew Coleman and Charles Edward Pruitt, sister Vera Coleman and Doris Marie Allen, and brothers Bobby Crowley, Antonio Coleman, Johnny Ray Coleman, Anthony Coleman, and Marcus Coleman. Sharion leaves behind her loving child, Bobby Brody Jr., and adoring grandchild, Bryson, along with her siblings Delbra and Nerissa Coleman, brother Garry Coleman, and a wide circle of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends who will forever cherish her memory. Sharion's presence will be deeply missed, yet her legacy of love and compassion will continue to inspire all those blessed to know her. May she find eternal peace and joy, reunited with her beloved husband in the arms of the divine.
The memories of our time together, just the three of us in the house, are etched in my mind as cherished moments. Our conversations were filled with warmth, wisdom, and laughter, creating a bond that transcends time and space. Even though you're no longer physically with us, I feel your presence watching over me, reassuring me that you're still by my
PROCESSIONAL Clergy & Family
side. Rest assured, Granny, your grandson is determined to honor your legacy and make you proud in everything I do.
With love and gratitude,
Bryson As I sit down to write these words, memories of you flood my mind, Aunt Diane. You were never one to mince words, always speaking your mind with honesty and candor. I'll never forget the time you expressed your frustration with me for not visiting more often, or the moment at your husband's repast when you critiqued my outfit, reminding me that you expected better from me. Your lack of filter was just one of the many things that made you uniquely you. But amidst your straightforwardness, there
SOLO Jay Smith
was a depth of love and warmth that touched my heart in ways I can't fully express. When I finally came to visit, your words melted away any lingering tension, replaced by love and acceptance. You told me how much my presence meant to you, how proud you were of the person I had become, and how much you cherished our time together. Those words, spoken with your trademark honesty, brought tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart. Aunt Diane, you were more than just an aunt to me. You were a role model, a beacon of strength and resilience. Your drive
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EULOGY Rev. Steven Brody, Sr.
and determination inspired me to push forward, to never give up on my dreams. I looked up to you in more ways than I can count, and I am forever grateful to have had you in my life. As I say goodbye for now, I take solace in the knowledge that we will be reunited someday. Until then, your memory will live on in my heart, a constant reminder of the love and wisdom you shared with me. Rest easy, Aunt Diane, knowing that you will always be loved and remembered.
FINAL TRIBUTE Golden Gate Funeral Directors
RECESSIONAL Clergy & Family
With all my love, Jimmy Coleman
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