Weldon Venters


Mඎඌංർൺඅ Pඋൾඅඎൽൾ

Church Musicians

Pඋඈർൾඌඌංඈඇൺඅ ඈൿ Fඎඇൾඋൺඅ Cඈඋඍൾ඀ൾ

Clergy, Pallbearers & Family

“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”

Mൾඌඌൺ඀ൾ ංඇ Sඈඇ඀

Judy Ray Tucker, Soloist

“God Has Smiled On Me”

Sർඋංඉඍඎඋൾ Rൾൺൽංඇ඀ඌ: The Word Most Treasured The Word Most Trusted

II Chronicles 6:30 - 33 St. John 3:10 - 16

Pastor George Ward Pastor Mickey Gerald

Pඋൺඒൾඋ ඈൿ Cඈආൿඈඋඍ ൺඇൽ Tඁൺඇ඄ඌ඀ංඏංඇ඀

Pastor William Boulden

Mൾඌඌൺ඀ൾ ංඇ Sඈඇ඀

Darrell Fielder, Sr.

“I Won’t Complain”

Sඉൾർංൺඅ Rൾආൺඋ඄ඌ Fඋඈආ Pඎඅඉංඍ Sඉඈ඄ൾඌඉൾඋඌඈඇ

Dr. Preston E. Malone, Sr. Higher Calling Fellowship Ministries

Sඉൾർංൺඅ Tඋංൻඎඍൾ

Video Presentation

Tඋංൻඎඍൾ (Rൾඌඈඅඎඍංඈඇඌ)

Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Friendship West Baptist Church Christian House of Prayer - Killeen, TX Jireh’s Tabernacle Worship Center Empowerment Central Baptist Church

Mൾඌඌൺ඀ൾ ංඇ Sඈඇ඀

Judy Ray Tucker, Soloist

“Safe In His Arms”

Eඑඉඋൾඌඌൾൽ Cඈඇൽඈඅൾඇർൾඌ

Two Minutes, Please

Fൺආංඅඒ Tඋංൻඎඍൾ

Children and Grandchildren

Mൾඌඌൺ඀ൾ Iඇ Sඈඇ඀

Don Diego

“Amazing Grace”

Wඈඋൽ ඈൿ Cඈආൿඈඋඍ

Rev. Henry L. Ivory, Senior Pastor Empowerment Central Baptist Church, Dallas, TX

Fංඇൺඅ Gඅංආඉඌൾ

Golden Gate Directors


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