Weldon Venters
Mඎඌංർൺඅ Pඋൾඅඎൽൾ
Church Musicians
Pඋඈർൾඌඌංඈඇൺඅ ඈൿ Fඎඇൾඋൺඅ Cඈඋඍൾൾ
Clergy, Pallbearers & Family
“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”
Mൾඌඌൺൾ ංඇ Sඈඇ
Judy Ray Tucker, Soloist
“God Has Smiled On Me”
Sർඋංඉඍඎඋൾ Rൾൺൽංඇඌ: The Word Most Treasured The Word Most Trusted
II Chronicles 6:30 - 33 St. John 3:10 - 16
Pastor George Ward Pastor Mickey Gerald
Pඋൺඒൾඋ ඈൿ Cඈආൿඈඋඍ ൺඇൽ Tඁൺඇඌංඏංඇ
Pastor William Boulden
Mൾඌඌൺൾ ංඇ Sඈඇ
Darrell Fielder, Sr.
“I Won’t Complain”
Sඉൾർංൺඅ Rൾආൺඋඌ Fඋඈආ Pඎඅඉංඍ Sඉඈൾඌඉൾඋඌඈඇ
Dr. Preston E. Malone, Sr. Higher Calling Fellowship Ministries
Sඉൾർංൺඅ Tඋංൻඎඍൾ
Video Presentation
Tඋංൻඎඍൾ (Rൾඌඈඅඎඍංඈඇඌ)
Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Friendship West Baptist Church Christian House of Prayer - Killeen, TX Jireh’s Tabernacle Worship Center Empowerment Central Baptist Church
Mൾඌඌൺൾ ංඇ Sඈඇ
Judy Ray Tucker, Soloist
“Safe In His Arms”
Eඑඉඋൾඌඌൾൽ Cඈඇൽඈඅൾඇർൾඌ
Two Minutes, Please
Fൺආංඅඒ Tඋංൻඎඍൾ
Children and Grandchildren
Mൾඌඌൺൾ Iඇ Sඈඇ
Don Diego
“Amazing Grace”
Wඈඋൽ ඈൿ Cඈආൿඈඋඍ
Rev. Henry L. Ivory, Senior Pastor Empowerment Central Baptist Church, Dallas, TX
Fංඇൺඅ Gඅංආඉඌൾ
Golden Gate Directors
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