William McGruder

When God allows extraordinary trails, he gives extraordinary comfort. The family of William E. McGruder wishes to acknowledges with deep appreciation the many kind messages, floral tributes, prayers and all other expressions of kindness during this time of bereavement. May God bless each of you. The family also wishes to express our sincere gratitude for the excellent care given by the clinics, Banner Hospital, the doctors and nurses. Your works have not gone unnoticed and we are forever grateful and thankful - The Family

A CTIVE P ALLBEARERS Rodney Pullum Jamal Taylor Nicolas Wingo Cleo Hayden Tommy Jackson H ONORARY P ALLBEARERS Kealon Wallace Charles Merriex Darwin Wallace Kennedy Smith, Jr. F INAL RESTING P LACE Laurel Land Memorial Park Dallas, Texas Monday, August 14, 2023


John Beckwith, CEO & Owner Dallas, Texas (214) 941-7332 Fort Worth, Texas (817) 478-9555 Tallulah, Louisiana (318) 574-6100

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